Fusee Gear Manufacture
EasyThread + PartMaster CADCAM Lathe = The solution for complex parts
Dolphin software provides a path to go from bar stock to Fusee blank and then on to a machined Fusee Gear using the specialist application Dolphin EasyThread
EasyThread was developed by Dolphin in close collaboration with Dr David Martin West

Dolphin is very appreciative of Dr West's contribution to the project and are pleased to include his presentation
showing the manufacture of a Fusee gear from bar stock by employing Dolphin software
The above presentation shows the Turn & Machining process i.e. Turning of Bar Stock to produce a blank
Fusee curve followed by the cutting of a thread on the blank Fusee to produce a custom Fusee gear.
For a presentation of the full Fusee Gear manufacture process using Dolphin software download the following presentation