Software Downloads
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Part Master V15
The Part Master Suite consists of the following modules :
- Milling - The Milling module is a system designed to create accurate, complete programs for CNC Mills and Machining Centres, both vertical and horizontal. PartMaster is a fully interactive program environment; no learning of programming language needed, and all geometry can be created in PartMaster CAD or imported via DXF files.
- Turning - The turning module is designed to create complete programs for NC and CNC lathes and turning centres. No need to learn a programming language, and all required geometry is automatically extracted from a PartMaster CAD drawing or imported from DXF.
- Wire EDM - The Wire EDM (Wire Erosion Module) is a specialized program preparation system for 2 and 4 axis Wire EDM machines. Geometry can be created in a PartMaster CAD drawing, DXF, IGES or STEP file, therefore requiring no learning of a programming language.
Easy Thread
Easy Thread has been developed for the Easy, Fast & Efficient production of any type of Standard and Non Standard, verified thread cutting CNC cycles. After production of the CNC cycle the Dolphin Simulator can be employed for the verification process . The required thread can be produced by use of the CNC G Codes on a CNC Machine Tool or by use of the Simulation stock model on a 3D Printer